Saturday, 11 June 2011

That's a bit harsh on the cat...

As we have rounds in the cat ward, a particularly noisy Siamese cat seeks our attention -

Ben: "Do you know, she sounds and looks exactly like Barbara Streisand..."

Friday, 10 June 2011

Well, that's all okay then

Talking to owners who had returned to collect their dog, having been touring the town centre to kill time during the day -

Clinician: "So, did you enjoy the town?"
Owner: "Oh yes, busy though, when we went to see the colleges and all."
Clinician: "So you met the hundred and one Chinese and Japanese tourists! At least they're short enough you can see the sights over their heads..."
[everyone laughs]
Me: [amused] "I should probably point out that my future in-laws are Chinese."
Clinician: "Really?! Well, pretend I just said Japanese then."

Friday, 3 June 2011

Yay for entertaining company reps

Collected quotes from the speaker during his series of short talks this afternoon.


Self-satisfied tone, at the end of an MS-Paint animation showing how IgE should work to kill blood parasites -
"And our hero the mast cell ATTACKS, and the parasite is dead. Serves you right, you bad parasite."


"You could do [superfluous test], but that's just diagnostic masturbation."


Looking at a results panel to interpret acid-base balance -
"That's a pathetic attempt at respiratory alkalosis and that dog should be ashamed."


Speaker: "So this is a female Great Dane called Thelma. Fantastic name."
[students smile, but are visually bemused]
Speaker: "Come on! Haven't any of you ever seen Scooby Doo?"
Me: "... No, that's Velma. With a V."
Speaker: [crestfallen] "Really? I've been using this slide and giggling to myself about that for a couple of years now..."


Speaker: "Acid-base tends to be taught very poorly in vet schools -"
Student: "Ben teaches it!"
Speaker: "And how are your lectures?"
Ben: "... Pretty dry."

One from vet formal

Following [Anonymous]'s claim that her reputation had been ruined by a particular male...

"It wasn't your reputation that was ruined. It was your kissing technique when you suctioned yourself to him like a Dyson."