Monday, 11 May 2009


Rachel: "I'm going to go to the loo and refill my bottle."

Thursday, 7 May 2009


"the reason that is says "Do Not Eat" is that it is a Non-Food"

Ah, the warm glow of wisdom...

Friday, 1 May 2009

Lecturer quotes #2 - Insights from a pig vet

"If I run late, the best bits are at the end. I'm sorry, that's the way life is"

"Some records are like Harry Potter - mostly fiction."
A few people looked confused, trying to work out which parts of Harry Potter aren't fiction.

"Goodness me! I would hate to think what's going on in a boar's prepuce for half the year"
Not sure about anyone else, but I'd hate to think what's going on in there at any time.

"I can assure you that profound sunburn is a severe deterrent for active sex."

"It's a bit of a disadvantage to your breeding history if you're dead."

"What you can't fix with bailer's twine... probably isn't worth fixing at all."

No, but lots of things have manes.

There had been some interest in a Vet Record case report about a maned wolf. After a lengthy discussion of what a maned wolf looks like, Liz takes the magazine...

Liz (looking at a completely different page): "Ooh, it looks like a donkey."

Rule 1: There Is A Drug For Every Problem

Regarding a solidly-sleeping classmate a few minutes before the lecture was due to start...

Tom: "Quick, get the Antisedan!"

Lecturer quotes #1 - Jilly

"If your parrot loves you, it'll try to feed you, and if you don't open your mouth, it'll put it in your ear."

"Your parrot's a wanker, I'm sorry."

New Blog

A vet splinter group (yeah, another one) this time from the Quote Book, in an attempt to stop it being flooded with esoteric vetty quotes.